Client Feedback

Hear it from Our Clients

Jamia Maillia islamia

The organization entrusted with providing IT services for our regular examinations has successfully achieved the desired outcomes. Their services, including the provision of online e-mark sheets with QR codes, were completed to our satisfaction.

Rezwaan Lateef Khan

(Dy. Registrar Exams)

A P J Abdul Kalam University

We had assigned the task of conducting a Mock Test for 23,000+ students in a single shift on 06 July, 2021 as part of the GEM Bid for the Online Remote Proctored Examination at Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Uttar Pradesh. The test was successfully conducted with AI-assisted remote proctoring, and we found their system and support services excellent. We wish them success in their future endeavors.

Prof. Anurag Tripathi

Controller of Examination

Banaras Hindu University

we entrusted the pre- and post-examination processing services to a trusted partner since 2013. They successfully managed tasks including online enrollment, examination activities for over 35,000 students, report generation, mark sheet printing, result processing, and handling supplementary exams, revaluation, and result hosting. Additionally, they began implementing the NEP 2020 policy for better coordination with the university for the 2024-25 academic year. We found their services satisfactory and wish them the best in their future endeavors.


Joint Registrar (Exam)

Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University Of Technology, West Bengal

Certified that the facility for on-screen evaluation of 5 lakh answer scripts during the Even Semester of the Academic Session 2021-22 was successfully provided to us. This included app-based script scanning, pre-exam activities, Helpdesk support, confidential work, AWS hosting, and post-exam score generation activities for approximately 1.40 lakh students. The platform successfully met the requirements of our examination department, ensuring seamless execution of the tasks assigned.


Assistant Controller Examinations

AIIMS, Raipur (C.G.)

The firm entrusted with conducting the Staff Nurse Grade-II Recruitment Examination successfully executed the supply and evaluation processes for the MCQ-based examination. The work was carried out with exceptional efficiency, promptness, and strict adherence to confidentiality. We are highly satisfied with their performance and recommend their services for conducting MCQ-based examinations for any organization.

Dr. Krishnadutt Chavali

Additional Professor & Head Dept. of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology

Hidayatullah National Law University

For conducting the Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) – 2013, we engaged a trusted IT service provider for pre- and post-examination tasks. The firm efficiently managed online application processing, Admit Card issuance, and payment handling involving transactions over five crore rupees. Post-examination, they successfully carried out OMR Answer Sheet scanning, result processing, and seat allotment based on merit-cum-preference. The firm completed all tasks to our satisfaction, and we wish them success in their future endeavors.


Registrar (I/C)

Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University For Women (IGDTU), Delhi

The online digital conduction and evaluation of over 30,000 answer books, including app-based scanning, for our examinations from July 2021 to February 2022 was successfully completed. The services, including pre-exam activities, helpdesk, confidential tasks, AWS hosting, and score generation, were delivered to our satisfaction.

Arun Sharma

Dean (Examination Affairs)

Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Raipur

We had issued a work order for the supply, installation, maintenance, and support of IT infrastructure on the cloud for hosting webpages related to the Common Admission Process (CAP) 2021, for the duration 01.01.2021 to 30.04.2021. The assigned team successfully completed the work, and their performance was satisfactory. This certificate is being issued upon their request.

Col (Dr) Harindra Triphathi (Retd.)

Chief Administrative Officer

Indira Gandhi University Meerpur, Rewari

We entrusted a specialized organization with automating our University Examination Management System for the 2017-18 session. The project included key pre- and post-examination activities such as online forms, coding and scanning of answer booklets, result processing, and mark sheet printing with QR codes. The organization successfully completed the work with efficiency and expertise. We appreciate their efforts and wish them continued success.

IGU Meerpur, Rewari

Controller of Examinations

West Bengal Regional School Service Commission (Eastern Region)

We engaged a company for the counselling work related to the 8th RLST (HM), 2007 on 12-Aug-08. They successfully completed the counselling process and handed over the data to this Commission. I wish them every success in their future endeavors.

Ganapati Majumder


Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPC), Chennai

Since April 2019, we entrusted this organization with the task of providing software services for an Online Application Registration System (OARS), an integrated automated recruitment process designed to streamline Pre-examination services and associated back-office functions for our commission. They successfully achieved the objectives set for them, delivering services that we found to be good and satisfactory.


TNPSC, Chennai

State Board of Technical Education, Bihar

We entrusted a company with the scanning and digital evaluation of over 5.50 lakh answer booklets (Ref. No. GEMC-511687745408615, dated 25th November 2022). They successfully processed approximately 1.4 crore pages with satisfactory results. We wish them success in future endeavors.

SBTE, Bihar


Haryana Board

scanning without cutting, training teachers, setting up evaluation centers with laptops where needed, and hosting booklets on AWS with disaster management. The organization successfully completed the task to our satisfaction, and we wish them continued success.


Assistant Secretary Board of School Education

Hemchand Yadav Vishwavidyalaya (Durg)

We assigned this organization the responsibility of managing pre- and post-examination processes since 2018, and they have consistently delivered exceptional results. Their work includes handling UG, PG, and PhD admissions for over 1.5 lakh applicants annually, with more than 60,000 seat allocations, along with online enrollment and examination processing for approximately 2.3 lakh students each year.
Their services cover result processing, mark sheet printing, hosting on the National Academic Depository, degree certificate issuance, revaluation, and implementing NEP 2020 in examination software for the 2024-25 academic year. We are highly satisfied with their performance and wish them continued success.

Hemchand Yadav Vishwavidyalaya (Durg)



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