Different Types of Examinations or Assessments

Online Examination System

Assessments and Examinations can be classified on various dimensions. These classifications and dimensions are as below. 

DIMENSION:  Level of the seriousness of the exams in one’s life

  1. High Stake Examinations: These types of examinations have a very high impact on one’s lives or are high stake. Examples of such examinations in our country are the 10th board exams, 12th board exams, and university level examination, like semester examination or annual examinations.
  1. Medium Stake Examinations: These type of examinations are of medium impact on our lives or are medium stake. Example of such examinations is Science Olympiad or the National Talent Search Examinations or Scholarship Examinations etc.
  1. Low Stake Examinations: These type of examinations are of low impact on our lives or are of low stakes. Example of such examinations is practices tests, mock tests and class tests etc.

DIMENSION: Frequency of the conduction of the examination

Semester Examinations: It follows semester-wise pattern, where universities conduct the final assessment on the basis of internal assessment which is conducted by various type of colleges via class test, sessional performance and practical exams and, an external assessment conducted by universities. These are conducted at the end of each semester.

Annual Examinations: These examinations are conducted by a university annually to assess the performance of the students at the end of the year. It is based on a combination of internal assessment [done by colleges], practical assessment [done by colleges] and external assessment [done by University directly].

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Objective of conducting the examinations

Summative Examinations: The goal of a summative exam is to evaluate the student learning at the end of the session and that exam could be an end semester exam or annual exam.

Preparatory Examinations: The aim of the preparatory exam is kind of pre-university exam, which is scheduled to attempt the preparatory examination before the final examination, that will have set up for the revision as they will be getting the final level of examination.

Supplementary Examinations: This examination is conducted by universities so to provide the second chance to the students who couldn’t pass the main examination.

DIMENSION: Mode of conduction of the Examination

Pen and Paper-based: These type of examinations are conducted physically wherein students take the exam using pen and paper. Most University examinations are subjective/open-ended tests and hence are conducted using this model.

Computer-Based: These type of examinations are conducted using a computer/tablet or mobile device. Questions are usually served from an online database and candidates may be taking the test from their homes or from a physical designated centre.

The term Computer Based Exam actually includes online exams. An Online-exam may be considered as a sub-class of Computer Based Exam or (Computer Based Test), wherein the exam is conducted over the internet with the server being based centrally in the cloud. 

Online Examination System with Online Proctoring system is the most suitable and reliable mode of examination and the Most Suitable Mode of examination during COVID-19 Pandemic


SmartExam is a modern web-based online examination system for universities and higher education institutes.  It is designed ground up to meet the requirements of any University [State, Central, Deemed or Distance-based out of India].  An interactive, independent, and intelligent examination and student lifecycle management platform for bringing colleges, teachers, universities, and students together. It covers all examination management related tasks ( both Pre-Examination Processing, Post-Examination Processing) so as to cover all their needs. 

The key salient reasons why it helps implement an effective online examination system are as below :

  • Online application & payments
  • Online verification by college & then University
  • Allocate custom Enrollment numbers
  • Print enrollment registers
  • Detailed reporting  

Our University Examination System helps manage the entire spectrum of examination activities. With careful management and detailed planning of the pre-examination day and post-examination day activities. Every year our products like SmartExam help power many leading universities, recruitment boards and other assessment bodies.

About the Organization 

Learning Spiral is a leading online exam solution provider for online assessments, exams for universities. It focuses on leveraging information technology and AI to deliver solutions and services to educational institutes, universities, schools, colleges, recruitment bodies, and assessment bodies. We specialize in University Examination Systems with built-in support for conducting online exams with all types of online proctoring. With careful management and detailed planning of the pre-examination day and post-examination activities, we have made some remarkable changes in the ways of conducting assessments, online and offline’’.

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