How does a University examination system help Universities?

Online Assessment Test

University Examination Systems are systems designed to cater to the complete examination processes of a University.With the use of a modern university examination system, examination management related tasks like preparation of tabulation charts, generation of attendance sheets, generation of admit cards, allotment of centres, allocation of roll numbers and online applications integrated with online payment facility can be organized efficiently.

About Examination Processing
Examination Processing

Typically Universities with very large student strength like the ones we have in India face a huge challenge in managing the two examination cycles per year for a student mandated by UGC under a semester system. Some of the large Universities in India have students in excess of a million students !! Conducting exams for more than a million students twice a year on a semester patterns is a herculean task. The only way a University can hope to achieve this is by deployment of modern University Examination systems and solutions which can help both automate and manage these complex processes.

University Examination also helps ensure accurate and reliable tracking of results and statistics pertianing ot student performance across various sessions. It helps track syllabus changes ,ordinances, course schema and generate results as per this schema.

With the advent of Online Examinations / Computer Based Exams the same can also be integrated for replacing objective tests or exams in the University. Various courses like Environment Management or Computer Science 101 are objective type in many State Universities. Such Exams could easily be migrated to the Online Examination or Computer Based Examination model.

University Examination System
University Examination System

Tracking of the printed mark sheets and uploading the same to the national academic depository also is feasible only with the help of a modern online university examination management system. The system can also help in effective publishing of results through various modes line online on the web portal, through SMS / through emails and even through Whatsapp in today’s times.

As an institute or a large University if you are looking to automate the various examination processes related to both pre-examination and post-examination stages then do go through the features of our Smart Exam system. This is a modern examination management system developed based on more than 20+ deployments in various Central / State Universities of very high repute spread across India. It is basis this history that the system is both accurate, reliable and very easy to customize for any University client based out of India.

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