How does SmartExam help to create a more effective enrollment process for a University ?

Examination Processing

SmartExam is a modern web based online university examination management system. 

It is designed ground up to meet the requirements of any University [State, Central, Deemed or Distance based out of India]. 

An interactive, independent and intelligent examination and student lifecycle management platform for bringing colleges, teachers, university and students together. It covers all examination management related tasks ( both pre-examination and post-examination stages) so as to cover all their needs. 
The key salient reasons why it helps implement an effective system are as below :

Online application & payments

SmartExam helps both student and colleges to fill Online Enrollment applications and also make online payments securely and conveniently. All of this is possible right from their mobile phones. 

  • Online verification by college & then University

 The system provides for multi level verification workflow. Colleges can verify or correct and then subsequently the University Enrollment cell can verify the information at their end. Some Universities allow for payments only after verification and the same is supported also. 

This process flow ensures zero errors during the Enrollment process. 

Allocate custom Enrollment numbers

The purpose of the registration or enrollment is to provide a detailed database of the number of students who are joining the University in a session. As part of the registration or enrollment process students are assigned a unique number which helps track their details over the entire student life cycle. Different Universities assign registration or enrollment numbers using a different logic. The enrollment or registration number is also sometimes called a Permanent Registration Number.

Print enrollment registers

After creating Custom enrollment numbers  using various logics based on creating a composite number using a combination of prefixes depicting the student’s year of enrollment, their course code and a serial number. The last process of enrollment under university management system is to Print the enrollment register. 

Detailed reporting  

Smart exam provides insightful reporting into payments received and due, refunds given, statistical analysis of enrolled students and all other reporting formats essential to efficiently manage the enrollment processes.

About the organization 

Learning Spiral understands assessments and applicant management like no other organisation. We routinely deliver more than a million assessments through different modes in a demanding and high stake environment. SmartExam has been developed basis these very years of expertise to meet the needs of Universities from Enrollment to Degrees. 

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