• October 19, 2021

Back-to-school conversations see a 306% surge on Twitter: Red Labs research


Red Lab’s research on conversations that are trending, reveals that a Facebook Trend Report says many Americans are leveraging their voices, votes, and wallets to support the Black Lives Matter movement in their local communities. In India sustainability conversation is gaining momentum as more and more state governments are subsidising EVs and urging people to choose green energy.

As per Twitter Insights, there’s a surge in back-to- school conversations happening on Twitter (306 per cent increase month over month). In July, there were 2.3 times more back-to-school mentions than the 2021 average. And despite the evolving conversation, people are feeling good about this topic. In fact, compared to last year, there’s a 76 per cent increase in feelings of joy (YoY). Closer home, India was abuzz with memes after hearing the news of school reopening.

There has been an increase in back-to-office tweets, by 76 per cent month over month. As per Twitter Insights, after a long period of working from home for many, a possible return to the office is something people are thinking (and Tweeting) about. Conversations around returning to the office are growing. Closer home, Aon’s findings from a survey of 250 Indian companies as many as 66 per cent of organisations expect more than half their white-collar workforce to return to office full-time or part-time.

Only 27 per cent of Indian households have access to the internet. As per Facebook trend report, almost three-quarters (72 per cent) of all Australians read for pleasure in 2019. Stuck to home, people are finding even more time and appreciation for all kinds of books. Closer home, with Covid restrictions our kids are missing the learning. A recent survey by Learning Spiral revealed that more than 50 per cent of Indian students in both rural and urban areas don’t have access to the internet.

Instead of venturing out for hair care and manicure appointments, people are learning to do their own upkeep (46 per cent of US consumers say they have done some sort of at-home grooming) or forego it, growing out beards and gray hair. Closer home, J. Suresh, managing director and chief executive officer, Arvind Fashions says, “Among categories, denim sales have not picked up after Unlock 1.0 and 2.0 but our comfort wear is doing extremely well. We have seen 2 times, 3 times growth in our comfort wear.”

As per the Facebook report, after 30 million rural residents gained internet access in 2020, connectivity in India hit an all-time high. However, almost half the country’s population is still offline, and many of those people are looking to get online.


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