
Our online assessment engine is made for large universities and their needs. From LDAP / LTI integration with other existing systems to Remote proctoring we have it all covered. Our Products like UCanManage, UCanApply, UCanAssess, UCanEvaluate, UCanLearn, UCanSecure, Smart Exam can help meet your needs for a comprehensive Online Examination System, University Management System or University Examination System.
Learning spiral also offers the ability to conduct exams through live online proctoring, Advanced Automated Proctoring, and Recorded Proctoring during the COVID- 19 outbreak. We ensure the solutions will help your college or University to conduct the examination from remote locations in the most secure manner.


Online Assessment

As technology drives change in the education sector it is helping us to truly take education and learning to the next level. Currently, online assessment has become a very important part of the education delivery. Online assessment is conducted using the internet & latest technology and applications. It is used to assess students to find gaps in their knowledge and thus help improve their learning outcomes. Online assessments are conducted to check the knowledge before the semester ends, to take admission in colleges or to recruit candidates for the government or corporate sector. It supports a simple to use interface for the test-takers as well as the exam conducting bodies like Universities / colleges. Furthermore, the capacity to generate quick outcomes is a big incentive for the adoption of the modern Online Examination system / University Examination Management System.

  • Online Assessment for Semester Exams : Online assessment is conducted by many universities these days for conducting semester exams. These are conducted at the end of each semester and ensures that assessment practices are fair and unbiased.
  • Online Assessment for Recruitment :Presently, Online assessment is being widely used by recruiters of the government and private sector to recruit employees. Online assessment provides tangible results by assessing candidates objectively. Many online assessment tools are being used by online examination solution providers to help recruiters in many ways. The use of online assessment tools allows companies to identify top talent while reducing hiring time and recruitment costs. Online Assessment helps to make the hiring process fast and accurate. Especially in the covid times, Online assessment is very necessary to meet all the recruitment needs with accuracy and safety.
  • How Online Assessment helps students? : Some of the points which justify how online assessments can be useful to students are listed below: un-biased results, quick results, automatic scoring, less time consuming, can be taken from any convenient location, avoids exposure to others during Covid 19 outbreak etc.

Online Assessment and Online examination system helps in various college admissions, recruitment processes and even semester exams. With the use of a systematic online examination system, it has become very easy for an organization to carry out periodic and continuous assessments. It helps them to save both time and money and yet provides a good tool to continuously assess the knowledge of students.

Modern Infrastructure

Our applications are powered by amazon web services – The world’s most reliable cloud service. These are the same services that power Facebook & Twitter. Replicated real-time in two seismic zones. We provide world-class disaster recovery security & scale-ability.

Our online examination system meets demanding high stake exam criterion. From scalability, disaster management to fault tolerance we have you covered. The application supports question item and response level encryption even while adhering to international QTI specification for question item storage.

UCanAssess is a robust and highly secured online examination system developed by Learning Spiral. It has been used for conducting various.

National level online entrance examinations

Online recruitment examinations for institutes of high repute

Semester and admission exams for Central and State Universities.




20+ Question types
Supports Latex/formula
Supports numerous languages
Arrange in modules/papers


Question & option jumbling
256-bit encryption
Items exposed only 30 min before exam


LAN / Online options
CCTV & Biometrics
Secure Browser to lock PC


Post Exam item performance
Applicant Scores & Calibration
Compile Scores & Merit lists


5-minute interval backup
Audit trail & RTI compliant
Scalable & Reliabl


Why Universities Choose UCanAssess ?

  1. Our online examination system also allows assessments to be evaluated in less time.
  2. Multiple numbers of candidates can complete their examination at the same time and there is no requirement for physical faculty for monitoring due to the use of remote proctoring.
  3. The test takers can take the assessment or examination by logging into the online examination system during class or at home with the use of their own devices.
  4. They also get the opportunity to see their results and answers as instant feedback about their knowledge or understanding of their chosen topics.
  5. A modern online examination system is thus a critical tool for universities or colleges to assess and improve student outcomes.
  6. Modern Infrastructure
  7. Our applications are powered by amazon web services – The world’s most reliable cloud service. These are the same services that power Facebook & Twitter.

We provide world-class disaster recovery security & scale-ability.

Online Proctoring

We provide a host of AI-assisted features for ensuring the integrity of our online exams. These features help ensure academic honesty amongst the test takers. An array of options as per available infrastructure can be provided to curb cheating.



Nationwide Authorized Test Centres – For many situations, it is required that the test be taken only at designated testing centres under physical proctoring and highly controlled centres. We have a ready network of audited and sanitized centres for scheduling and conducting assessments at your/ candidate’s convenience.

Partner Seats PAN INDIA – Our zonal team continues to sign venue partners on an ongoing and project requirement basis. Foreign Location experience: Dubai Associates in Bahrain, Sri Lanka, Dhaka, Kathmandu.

Our Products like UCanApply, UCanAssess with Online Proctoring, Smart Exam can help meet your needs for a comprehensive Online Examination System, University Management System or University Examination System etc. Our products help power many leading universities, recruitment boards and other assessment bodies. Every year it helps process more than 10 million assessments for various clients like BHU

Features of Online Proctoring


Webcam Snapshots

System uses integrated webcams for taking a steady stream of snapshots of the test taker at 5-sec intervals for analysis/ audit. It helps to curb cheating.

Face Recognition

System starts the test only if the current webcam snapshot identifies the person as the same as the registered photograph of the candidate.

Block Other Apps

System blocks usage of third party applications. This makes sure Excel/ Calculators or other tools cannot be used during the test.

Block Screen share

System blocks virtual desktops/ screen sharing to avoid a person accessing the test screen from another computer.

AI-Based Protection

System uses AI to detect multiple faces and banned objects like phones/ books, digital watches, calculators in the captured snapshots for review/ audit.

Block Copy / Paste

One of the most important features of online proctoring is that System blocks copy and paste of items using keys or the mouse right-click so that question items are not compromised or shared.

Block System Keys

Special system keys are blocked to avoid access to printers, system taskbar, alternate windows, etc.

Block Browser Tabs

System blocks access to other browser tabs and windows once the test begins. This is to ensure the test taker cannot access other resources

Our AI-enabled solutions support all means of modern evaluation techniques such as Computer Based Tests, Online Tests with AI-enabled remote/live proctoring, On-screen marking based on scanned answer scripts & entry of marks by evaluators.

Thus, Online proctoring is no doubt an excellent way to significantly reduce the incidences of cheating or use of unfair means by students. Online examination systems like UCanAssess offer numerous advantages of scalability, flexibility and analytics. But this is of little value if the exam reliability cannot be assured. This is where Online proctoring comes in. It allows us to remotely invigilate the candidates while they take the exam.



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