University management system features for handling rapid curriculum changes

University Examination System

Today’s era is an era of innovation and progress in all fields of Higher education. Over the past few years new colleges and universities have come up each year in our country.

In the past decade, India has made significant progress on access to education and improving enrollment rates in primary education. However, dropout rates and low levels of learning remain challenges for the state and central government.

The poor performance of our students in assessments which measure learning outcomes is a clear indicator of deep routed issues. One such critical problem plaguing higher education is a lack of a modern curriculum. The immediate need for drastic changes in the syllabus and course content has become a huge challenge for the system of education in our country.

University Management SystemUGC mandated introduction of a choice based credit system across all courses and universities some time back. However, universities are actually struggling to implement the same. One key issue in implementation is the lack of systems for computing and grading results under the new framework. Existing systems and applications used by universities are designed to compute results under a fixed syllabus paradigm and this drastic and desirable change in structure requires a total revamp in their inherent design principals.

Learning Spiral on the other hand is fully geared towards helping universities overcome this challenge. Our SmartExam – an online examination management system ensures universities can compute results with ease and speed for all types of courses traditional as well as CBCS based. It helps universities keep records for multiple sessions across changing syllabus requirements in the same course. The system helps in tracking records of each student from the time of enrollment till the time of results and finally graduation.

Schema and Syllabus play an important role in providing the right education. Without systems to support the same efforts to truly transform our education system will surely fail. On the other hand modern systems like SmartExam can help the country achieve its goals with ease and accuracy.

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